Once upon a time in a fantastic realm, there lived a Princess. Her world was inhabited by creatures called Pokémon and the Princess played with them as if they were her friends. However, there was something missing in her life – from early on she had been told that every Princess needed a Prince, and […]
16.000 km is mildly problematic
When people hear ‘our’ story they sometimes spin a fairytale out of it. “You’ve only met for one day and are together now? That’s unreal!” “I can’t believe you got to know each other through letters – that’s so romantic.” “He’s liked you all that time? It sounds like a true love story.” They tell […]
16.000 km is not a distance
“Each time we say “IRL,” “face-to-face,” or “in person” to mean connection without screens, we frame what is “real” or who is a person in terms of their geographic proximity rather than other aspects of closeness — variables like attention, empathy, affect, erotics, all of which can be experienced at a distance. We should not […]